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Nevaeh Univell a Decimated Empire

Game Design Document
Version 1.0

Sarah Sorlay

Sarah Sorley is the queen of Gradiva Eurolay she was born a common girl in Indiprina, Shanita and in Alistairs diplomatic travels to Indiprina they coincidentally met and fell in love. She loves him for his kind heart and leadership. Eurolai is a much older empire and has fallen to many corruptions to which her father has tirelessly battled. Sara's marriage to Alistair has united the kingdoms.

Character Stats
  • Health

  • Vitality

  • Strength

  • ​Endurance

  • Will

  • Rage

  • Defence

  • Magic

  • Dexterity

  • Agility

  • Accuracy

  • Evasion

  • Cunning

  • Critical

Battle Stats
Basic Statistics
  • Name:   Sarah Sorley

  • Age:   36

  • Nationality:   Mandrillian

  • Socioeconomic Level as a Child:   middle class

  • Socioeconomic Level as an Adult:   upper high class Queen

  • Hometown:   Indiprina, Mandrill

  • Current Residence: Gradiva kingdom, Eurolai

  • Occupation:   Queen

  • Income/Salary:   upper high class salary

  • Birth Order:   first of two

  • Siblings:   Steven Cronin deceased. Died protecting Sarah from a stampede of wild boar.

  • Spouse:   Alistair Sorley healthy relationship but for she still longs for more.

  • Children:   Katrina Sorley and Victoria Sorley healthy relationship

  • Parents:   Jarvis Cronin and Caitlin Cronin her relationship with her parents is mildly troubled and a bit rocky at times but at the end of the day they love each other

  • Grandparents:   Anthony Cronin, Alicia Cronin and Andrew Wizenheimer, Bethany Wizenheimer healthy relationship.

  • Grandchildren:   N/A

  • Significant Others:   Alistair Sorley king of Gradiva Eurolai

  • Relationship Skills:   her troubled family life has left her with trust issues and a deep fear of loss.

Basic Stats
Physical Characteristics
  • Height:   5’ 4”

  • Weight:   125lbs

  • Race:   Mandrillian

  • Eye Color:   Green

  • Hair Color:   Brown

  • Glasses or Contact Lenses:   none

  • Skin Color:   olive

  • Shape of Face:   almond

  • Distinguishing Features:   large breasts and hips

  • Manner of Dress:   royal

  • Mannerisms:   royal

  • Habits:   she has a slight drinking habit

  • Health:   fair health but could be better

  • Hobbies:   she likes to garden, the castles floral arrangements and garden are a part of her passion

  • Speech Patterns:   royal

  • Disabilities:   none

  • Style:   elegant

  • Greatest Physical Flaw:   she would say her wide hips

  • Best Physical Quality:   others would say her large breasts

Physical Characteristics
Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
  • Educational Background:   highly educated

  • Intelligence Level:   high

  • Mental Illnesses:   N/A

  • Learning Experiences:   she has traveled a great deal and has learned a lot about the world

  • Short-term Life Goals:   she wishes to teach her daughters about her homeland and what good could be done with their wealth and power

  • Long-term Life Goals:   she wishes to share Gradivas prosperity with Indiprina, Mandrill

  • How the character sees herself:   As a compassionate and fair leader who is always looking to improve the lives of those around her.

  • How the character believe he/she is perceived by others:   As a compassionate and fair leader who is always looking to improve the lives of those around her.

  • Self-confidence of the character:   her confidence is usually strong but doesn't like large crowds

  • Ruled by emotion, or logic, or some combination thereof:   she is ruled by her emotions

  • Embarrassing this character:   having her breasts exposed in public.

Emotional Characteristics
  • Strengths:   she is caring and compassionate

  • Weaknesses:   she tends to left her anger get the best of her

  • Introvert or Extrovert:   she is an introvert

  • How does the character deal with anger:   she lashes out usually directed at Alistair

  • With sadness:   she tends to dwell and soak in her sadness for longer than some but this helps her cope and move on.

  • With conflict:   she can become frustrated and shut down

  • With change:   she's not a huge fan of change in her personal life but wishes for change in the world.

  • With loss:   she doesn't handle loss well. She lost her older brother at a young age which has left her with some unresolved feelings of loss and sadness.

  • What she wants out of life:   she wants to bring prosperity to her Hometown Indiprina, Mandrill

  • What would he change in his/her life:   she would not have been playing near the watering hole that put her in danger and caused her brothers death as a child.

  • What motivates this character:   being able to share and spread kindness to those in need.

  • What frightens this character:   losing anyone in her family.

  • What makes this character happy:   giving to those in need

  • Is the character judgmental of others:   somewhat judgemental but mostly forgiving.

  • Is the character generous or stingy:   very generous

  • Is the character generally polite or rude:   polite

Emotional Characteristics
Behaviors and Mannerisms
  • Group Behaviors:   she tends to shy away from large groups or find an individual to talk when attending events or grand occasions.

  • Individual Behaviors:   prefers individual conversations

  • Catch Phrases:   my love... it will be alright.

Behaviors & Mannerisims
Skills/ Abilities
  • Inherent:   compassion and generosity

  • Will learn:   will power and application

Skills / Abilities
Spiritual Characteristics
  • Does the character believe in a God? Many gods? None at all:   she believes in many gods.

  • What are the character's spiritual beliefs:   Rules over the empirical nation of Eurolay, yet trusts in the legends of the Monastery.

  • Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life:   yes she visits the temple religiously

  • If so, what role does it play:   her spirituality influences her kind personality

Spiritual Characteristics
How the Character is Involved in the Story
  • Character's Game Role (Main character? Hero? Heroine? Romantic interest? Sidekick? etc.):   The cast will have the occasional visit to the Gradiva kingdom and when doing so will meet with Sarah. She will task the player with objectives and play and major role in the final battle with Maximus and his Army.

  • Scene where Character First Appears:   return to Eurolai

  • Relationships with Other Characters:   Sarah is Victoria Sorley mother and the Queen of Gradiva

Story Role
  • How does the character hold a baby:   With care and compassion.

  • What dos the character do when they are left in a room alone:   tends to her plants

  • How does the character act around the opposite sex:   relatively unchanged but can be intrigued if the man is handsome and charming. The intrigue won't lead anywhere

Character Growth
  • How is the character different at the end of the game from when the game began:   she will find the courage through her daughter's actions to follow through with her dreams of bring prosperity to the people of Indiprina, Mandrill.

Character Growth
Additional Notes
  • She is a compassionate and fair leader who is always looking to improve the lives of those around her.


  • Sarah Sorley is the queen of Gradiva Eurolay she was born a common girl in Indiprina, Mandrill and in Alistairs diplomatic travels to Indiprina they coincidentally met and fell in love. She loves him for his kind heart and leadership. Eurolai is a much older empire and has fallen to many corruptions to which her father has tirelessly battled. Sara's marriage to Alistair has united the kingdoms.


  • Sarah Sorley is introduced as the Queen of Eurolay at her daughter's birth celebration. As the people of the Empire celebrate the birth of Victoria Sorley Sarah greets her guests with a show of magic and fireworks. Alistair introduces Victoria to the people and gives a speech about how she will be raised as he was, a servant of the people. And that the Empire can rejoice that the goodwill of the monarchy will continue.
    After the King dies attempting to save his teenage Daughter Victoria from her captors, a group of demon soldiers that invaded the castle while the empire was under attack. Sarah is left to rule the kingdom sad and alone.  She has Employed Alexander Archail and Michael Archail Night to Rescue her daughter and bring justice to her husband at any cost.

Additional Notes
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