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Nevaeh Univell a Decimated Empire

Game Design Document
Version 1.0

Start Menu Interface

The start menu is the first interface that player is presented once NUDE has successfully loaded. The start menu allows the player to choose whether they would like to start a new game, continue a previous game, or choose to alter the games audio and visual elements. Once the player has completed the Game they will be presented with the “New Game Plus” option. “New Game Plus” allows the player to start a new game with all of their existing items equipment, and character levels.

Start Menu

Load Menu Interface

The player will be able to save his or her game manually at any point by pressing the options button and accessing the save menu under the Game options window. NUDE will also automatically save player progress, based on a specified time increment, on a separate save file to prevent data loss. This will create two save files one that automatically overwrites and one that the player has written. The player may save as many times as they feel necessary, and can start their game from either save type. The player can access these save files in the load menu of the start screen options.

Load Menu

Game Play Interface (Traveling Interface)

In order to accommodate the in game visuals the traveling interface is reduced to a minimal form. The player will have the ability to navigate the game using the Map / Compass in the top left corner. The Map uses a small blue diamond to show the players location and a slightly larger gold diamond to give direction for the active quest. The player will have a visual of the party line up just below the Map. The active character or lead characters Icon is larger to give a visual representation for the player. The player will also have a visual of the parties’ health and Magic. The green bar represents the characters hit points, and the teal bar represents the characters Magic / Skill points.

Travel Interface

Game Play Interface (Battle Interface)

Once the player is engaged in a battle the interface will change slightly. The interface will add the characters ability functions and limit bar. The Limit bar represents the characters anger. Once the limit bar is full the character will have increased attack and defense power for a limited amount of time. The ability functions located in the lower right of the screen will give the player access to Skills and Magic.  The player can scroll through the abilities using the L1 and R1 buttons. Once the player has selected the ability they would like to use they can press the circle button to execute the ability. Pressing either the L2 or the R2 buttons will give the player access to their item inventory. The player can scroll through the items in the same fashion as the abilities. The player can switch back and forth though these icons to access the items and abilities they need to vanquish their enemies.

Battle Interface

Pause / Options Menu Interface (Inventory Menu)

The player can access all of their collected items in the Inventory menu. This is also where the player can customize character armor and accessories to increase stats. The player can use the left and right directional pad buttons or the joy stick to switch inventory categories, or up and down on the directional pad or joy stick to scroll through the inventory list. Once the player has chosen the item they would like to equip they will have access to the character wear slots, where they can equip their chosen items. The player can use L1 and R1 at any time to select the next or previous character.

Inventory Menu
Skills and Magic Menu

Pause / Options Menu Interface (Skills and Magic Menu)

The player can access all of their developed magic and skills in the Skills and Magic menu. This is also where the player can customize character ability icons. The player can use the left and right directional pad buttons or the joy stick to switch ability categories, or up and down on the directional pad or joy stick to scroll through the inventory list. Once the player has chosen the ability they would like to equip they will have access to the character icon slots, where they can equip their chosen abilities. The player can use L1 and R1 at any time to select the next or previous character.

Quest Menu

Pause / Options Menu Interface (Quest Menu)

In the quest Menu the Player will have the ability to choose which quest they will actively pursue. Choosing a quest will activate the gold icon on the map in the main game. The information for the active quest will be displayed in the Quest box on the right. The quest box will contain all the details about the active quest including the characters involved and the awards for completion. The player can also access the navigational properties and information of previously completed quests by using the left or right directional pad buttons or joystick.

Pause / Options Menu Interface (Map Menu)

The player can access the world map in the map menu of the pause options. The player can use the same gameplay functions to navigate the map including the zoom in and out functions. The player can use the Map to create their own in game map icon for traveling to distant lands by air ship.

Map Interface
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