Samson Quarner
Not much is known about Samson Quarner he keeps his past off the subject and has a convincing way about him. He is after a legendary artifact and will do anything to take ownership of it. In the course of the game Sampson becomes the conjurer of an evil that will take on a menacing form that our heroes will have to defeat.
Character Stats
Basic Statistics
Nationality: Anexian
Hometown: Banladisca Anexio
Current Residence: Banladisca Anexio
Occupation: traveler / treasure hunter
Income/Salary: high class income
Socioeconomic Level as a Child: high class upbringing
Socioeconomic Level as an Adult: high class lifestyle
Birth Order: only child
Siblings: N/A
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Parents: Dalton Quarner Macie Quarner estranged
Grandparents: Jamison Quarner Melissa Quarner and Toby Linden Grizelle Linden estranged
Grandchildren: N/A
Significant Others: chaos demon spirit
Relationship Skills: doesn't form real relationships instead manipulates and uses people.
Physical Characteristics
Age: 51
Height: 5’9”
Weight: 190lbs
Sex: Male
Species: Human
Race: Indian equivalent
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black
Glasses or Contact Lenses: N/A
Skin Color: brown
Shape of Face: round
Distinguishing Features: he has a shifty or canoeing appearance
Manner of Dress: high class lord of indian culture style
Mannerisms: condescending and conniving
Habits: smokes tobacco and drinks alcohol
Health: less than average health
Hobbies: collector of rare or antique goods
Speech Patterns: sly and conniving
Disabilities: hears demons
Style: elegant yet sleazy
Greatest Physical Flaw: weak shoulder from surviving an airship wreck
Best Physical Quality: well kept facial hair
Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes
Intelligence Level: high intelligence
Educational Background: highly educated
Mental Illnesses: hears demons
Learning Experiences: is well traveled and has many experiences
Short-term Life Goals: gain wealth without working
Long-term Life Goals: gain power through wealth
How the character sees himself: as Intellectual and cunning.
How the character believe he/she is perceived by others: as treacherous and unstable
Self-confidence of the character: Overly confident
Ruled by emotion, or logic, or some combination thereof: he is ruled by his own chaotic logic.
Embarrassing this character: having his secret of hearing demons exposed.
Emotional Characteristics
Strengths: has complete control over his emotions and can trigger them on command
Weaknesses: he has erratic internal conflict and unchecked emotional distress.
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert
How does the character deal with anger: he is spiteful and will wait for the right time to take revenge on those who he feels have wronged him.
With sadness: he feels little sadness because he is a sociopath.
With conflict: avoids physical encounters plays Mental games instead.
With change: he is akin to change
With loss: feels little when dealing with loss
What he wants out of life: he wants to rule over his own land and live a lawless lifestyle.
What would he change in his/her life: he would already have land to rule.
What motivates this character: the pursuit of absolute power.
What frightens this character: the loss of his own life
What makes this character happy: wealth and power.
Is the character judgmental of others: yes he casts unfair judgments on others often
Is the character generous or stingy: stingy
Is the character generally polite or rude: polite if he wants something from you rude in most other circumstances
Behaviors and Mannerisms
Group Behaviors: he loves the attention of large groups
Individual Behaviors: he does well in interpersonal interactions but this is because he is usually looking to gain something out of the interaction
Catch Phrases: it's no trouble at all! (Wink)
Skills/ Abilities
Inherent: master manipulator, mild alchemy and poison.
Will learn: necromancing magic
Spiritual Characteristics
Does the character believe in a God? Many gods? None at all: he believes in the Lord of darkness and the spoils he will receive for obeying him.
What are the character's spiritual beliefs: he believes there are gods of light and of darkness of which the Lord of darkness will provide immediate compensation for his loyalty.
Is religion or spirituality a part of this character's life: yes he speaks to the dark spirits often.
If so, what role does it play: the evil spirits manipulate his actions.
How the Character is Involved in the Story
Character's Game Role (Main character? Hero? Heroine? Romantic interest? Sidekick? etc.): Sampson is the curator of the evil to be released into Nevaeh.
Scene where Character First Appears: the Market place
Relationships with Other Characters: he begins the story as a friend he convinces Maximus to begin the journey that leads to his destruction. Alexander holds Sampson personally responsible for Maximus fate and has become his sworn enemy. Sampson will gain power and be a powerful enemy throughout the game.
How does the character hold a baby: he has no interest in babies they don't offer anything to him.
What dos the character do when they are left in a room alone: concoct potions and poisons.
How does the character act around the opposite sex: interested but not overtly.
Character Growth
How is the character different at the end of the game from when the game began: in the beginning he is an ally on a mission to great wealth and success but the cast will discover early on that Sampson is not who he claims to be and is in fact a necromancer looking to rise a power he connotations control.
Additional Notes
A master manipulator who finds a way to get what he wants out of people and situations. He will become a powerful necromancer.
Not much is known about Samson Quarner he keeps his past off the subject and has a convincing way about him. He is after a legendary artifact and will do anything to take ownership of it. In the course of the game Sampson becomes the conjurer of an evil that will take on a menacing form that our heroes will have to defeat.
Sampson is the key conspirator in what sets free and ancient evil upon the world. His first introduced in the market where Elizabeth Night sells her merchandise. Sampson at first it's trying to explain to an airship captain that he is a treasure hunter on a journey of unimaginable riches. The airship captain blows Sampson off in disbelief, but is quickly rebounded by the inquiry of a beautiful young woman by the name of Elizabeth. He takes notice that Elizabeth is pregnant and begins to turn away, but Elizabeth's convincing nature caused him to listen further. She explained to him that she is responsible for her husband's journeys to uncover ancient artifacts in order to enlighten the world, and that her husband's crew would be perfect for this adventure.