
Plan of Action
Research will be conducted searching for the inclusion of or the lack of representation of the Latin culture in today’s mainstream gaming market. Continuing that research, I will move into how diversity has been explored in animation, film, and television.
I will briefly focus on the success of including Latin American culture in animation with characters like Dora the explorer and Go Diego go. As well as how Latin characters have been negatively represented in a stereotypical fashion in games like grand theft auto.
To demonstrate and prove my thesis concept I will break it into two major components. First I will discuss the importance of pushing 3D characters beyond the norms of current character design trends and the importance of introducing a more diverse character profile to the public.
Secondly, I will conduct extensive research on variations found in the human face based on ethnic groups and using the 3D sculpting tool zBrush manipulate the shape size and proportions of specific features of the Caucasian face to resemble a range of other ethnicities.
My first example will focus on a method for creating appealing characters that can be recognized as being Hispanic or Latino utilizing real world facial features, body, and skin types that make up the people of this heritage.
Following the development of this character I will do a controlled survey a targeting Latins that would ask questions about how they view / perceived the character.
I will then conduct a survey through social media in attempt to pin point the most common character design stereotypes in gaming and how people feel about them. While simultaneously collecting data about how the public feels about ethnic inclusion in games.
Finally, I will do a cross comparison between the newly created Hispanic character and his original Caucasian counterpart and ask the public if they would be more inclined or less inclined to play a game featuring one of the two characters.